ART African Risk Transfer


Commercial Insurance

Our team has extensive experience in commercial insurance programmes across a diverse customer and geographical base. Doing business in Africa comes with inherent and unique risks and we specialise in understanding your business and building your insurance requirements accordingly.


Covers the legal liability for the carriage of persons and luggage on board an aircraft. The insurance covers the personal liability of all persons involved in the operation of the aircraft, as well as coverage for injuries resulting from an aircraft accident.

Bonds & Guarantees

Bonds & Guarantees

Bonds and Guarantees cover provides the buyer with financial compensation from the bank, should there be a failure by the seller to meet their contractual obligations.
Cyber Liability

Cyber Liability

Cyber Liability covers digital data breaches and misuse of the information acquired as a result.

Political Risk

Political risk insurance covers people in the business industry against expropriation, political violence, terrorism, and war.


Property insurance covers any repairs, replacements, or damages to buildings, and liability cover should there be any legal costs (defense fees or settlement amounts).
Directors and Officers

Directors & Officers

Directors’ and Officer’s Insurance is an important cover for owners and managers alike. Risks pertaining to the decisions they make, or made in the past, can still be held accountable for.

Professional Indemnity

Professional Indemnity (PI) insurance covers businesses for costs incurred as a result of the work, service or advice they have given a client(s), which has caused them to suffer a loss either reputationally or financially.

General Liability

General Liability cover is for claims involving bodily injuries and property damage resulting from a company’s products, services, or operations.